The Chakras / Earth Star chakra
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Main principles of the Earth Star Chakra: Grounding and Survival

The Earth Star is the first of the Transpersonal Chakras: Earth Star, Soul Star, and Stellar Gateway.
NB there are a number of different names given to these chakras which are situated below and above the physical body.
Some people refer to the Rear Crown chakra as another transpersonal chakra (the Causal Chakra).

I view this chakra as an extension of the properties of the Root Chakra, only multiplied ten-fold! This is an extraordinary chakra. Being connected to the core of the earth through this chakra is the most relaxing experience, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with feeling grounded!

The main properties are the same as for the Root Chakra, therefore some of this information is repeated:

The Earth Star is the principal grounding chakra - the chakra through which we maintain our connection with the earth, our connection with Mother Nature. Without this grounding force we are left floating around, spaced out, feeling like we're not living in the present, in the now. Without grounding we are like a live electricity cable zapping about, dangling in mid-air! We are affected by every little thing that comes our way, we are knocked off balance, easily upset, we hold on to negative energy, unable to find a release.

So grounding brings wonderful calm - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually! We can learn to release all of our tensions, upset and negativity into the ground. Once we have formed this connection with the earth through the root chakra we can then also take in the great earth energy, that brings peace, contentedness, security, satisfaction and a new practical perspective on life. We are no longer caught up in the destructive emotions of fear (for our safety, our health, our wealth, our loved ones), anger, jealousy, etc., but we are at ease, we can enjoy life and the time we have on earth.


The Earth Star is located six inches below and six inches in front of the feet.

Colour healing

All earth colours are connected to the Earth Star chakra: black, brown, earthy green and red. Sometimes indigo and gold/yellow are selected for this chakra too. I have the feeling when working with this chakra that sometimes a number of rays of light must be drawn down from the universe, through the body and to connect with the Earth Star. This is not always the case, as sometimes just a piece of hematite or magnetite is required. As usual, follow your intuition and feel what is right for you.

Crystal healing

Crystals for the Earth Star Chakra include:

* Hematite
* Magnetite / Lodestone
* Tiger's eye (Golden or red, for example)
* Red Jasper
* Zincite (The ultimate FireBean!)
* Smokey fluorite
* Smokey quartz
* Obsidian
* Emerald
* Green Jasper
* Green Jade
* Bloodstone

And sometimes:
* Lapis Lazuli
* Blue Goldstone
* Amethyst
* Citrine

Crystal Combinations:

I often use magnetite and hematite together. These are particularly grounding stones.

Blue Goldstone works well with hematite.

As I mentioned above, sometimes a combination of stones (and therefore rays of colour) are required at the Earth Star. I have occasionally needed to use black, brown, red, indigo and yellow stones all at once! Please let your intuition guide you as to what is right for you.